29 March 2009

Laporan Bergambar 'Earth Hour'

Malam tadi dunia telah bersatu untuk menjayakan usaha ke arah mengurangkan penggunaan tenaga elektrik dengan memadam lampu selama satu jam dari 8.30 ke 9.30 malam. Dari Timur ke Barat dan dari Utara ke Selatan bandar besar seluruh dunia memdamkan lampu selama satu jam. Program '60 minute Earth Hour' hanya langkah simbolik untuk memberi kesedaran kepada warga dunia bahawa kita perlu mengurangkan penggunaan tenaga fosil dan mengguna sumber tenaga alternatif. Kesan sampingan dari penggunaan tenaga dari sumber asli karbon fosil (minyak dan gas) telah menyebabkan dunia menjadi semakain panas akibat pelepasan terlalu banyak gas CO2 yang menyebabkan kesan Rumah Hijau kepada dunia.
Kini kita mehyaksikan kesan Pemanasan Dunia akibat kerja-kerja manusia yang suka melakukan kerosak atas muka bumi ini. Cuaca tidak menentu, banjir besar di mana-mana, cuaca panas melampau yang menyebabkan kebakaran yang dasyat dan macam-macam lagi bencana yang berkait dengan kesan Rumah Hijau.

Kita harap usaha begini akan diteruskan lagi dan warga dunia perlu sedar bahawa bumi perlu di'sejukkan'. Kurangkan pengunaan tenaga dari sumber fosil dan tingkatkan sumber tenaga alternatif.

Di bawah ini adalah gambar-gambar dari Reuters semasa penyertaan EARTH HOUR dunia dari pukul 8.30pm - 9.30 pm malam tadi.

These two combo photos show Malaysia's landmark Petronas Twin Towers being turned off the lights to mark Earth Hour in downtown Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A combination picture shows a view of the Kuala Lumpur skyline before (top) and during Earth Hour

A combination picture shows a view of the Bund on the banks of the Huangpu River in Shanghai before (top) and during Earth Hour

Chinese visitors near the 'Bird Nest' National Stadium which has been darkened for one hour to mark Earth Hour in Beijing, China

A combination picture shows the Sydney skyline before (top) and after the lights were turned off for Earth Hour
A combination of handout pictures shows a view of the Taipei 101 building before and after (L-R) Earth Hour in Taipei

This combo photo shows the general view of commercial buildings before (top) and after (bottom) turning off lights at Hong Kong's central district
A combination of two pictures shows the Singapore financial district 30 minutes before (top) and at the start of Earth Hour at 8:30pm (below)

A combination picture taken before and after the lights at the main roundabout at the main business district are turned off during Earth Hour in Jakarta, Indonesia

A view of Taj Mahal hotel before (top) and during Earth Hour in Mumbai

A night view of the site of the ancient Giza Pyramids before and after switching off the lights for the Earth Hour, in Cairo, Egypt

A view of the Burj al Arab hotel of Dubai before and during Earth Hour

The Millenium bridge over the Tyne river before (top) and during Earth Hour in Newcastle, northern England

A combination of four pictures shows a view of the Eiffel Tower before and during (top-bottom) Earth Hour in Paris

Rome's ancient Colosseum with its lights on, above, and off, to mark an Earth Hour event.

A view of the Agbar Tower, the latest symbol to mark the Barcelona skyline, before (top) and during Earth Hour March 28, 2009

A combination of pictures shows a view of the hill of the Acropolis before (top) and during Earth Hour in Athens March 28, 2009.

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