31 December 2008
Palestine Humanitarian Crisis
Semakin Panas di Terengganu
Katalah undi Melayu pecah dua kepada blok UMNO dan PAS. Maka undi Cinalah yang jadi penentu. Orang Cina kini adalah 'king maker' di Kuala Terengganu. Tak hairanlah RM6.1juta kini dijadikan umpan undi untuk menangkap undi orang Cina.
Para pengundi Cina di KT sekarang boleh minta apa saja tentu akan dikabulkan. Apalah sangat dengan RM6juta jika dibandingkan dengan RM408juta duit royalti minyak yang tanpa segan silu dan rasa malu dipulangkan kepada kerajaan Terengganu. Najib dan UMNO yang satu masa dulu beriya-iya sangat menghalalkan duit royalti yang dirompak (wang ehsan, katanya) dari rakyat Terengganu, tanpa rasa bersalah memberikan semula wang tersebut (dengan cek replika besar lagi dan disiarkan media perdana seperti satu kejayaan besar).
Selain faktor siapa calon PAS, prestasi PAS di semua 5 negeri PR akan menjadi faktor untuk memujuk pengundi-pengundi Cina bahawa PAS/PR adalah pilhan terbaik mereka. Mereka mesti difahamkan bahawa kalu KT jatuh ketangan PR, kesinambungan politik tanahair tidak akan berubah. BN akan tetap memerintah. Tetapi dengan bertambahnya seorang lagi ahli Parlimen dari PR, lebih kuat suara dan banyak isu-isu rakyat akan dapat diutarakan di Parlimen. Orang-orang Cina akan lebih terjamin hidup mereka di bawah kerajaan yang mempunyai pembangkang yang efektif.
Kini KT semakin panas walaupun hujan duit semakin banyak turun.
30 December 2008
26 December 2008
Di kawasan Ulu Baram, di Ulu Sg Tinjar, di mana satu suku kaum Orang Ulu -Kenyah Sebob menetap, Sultan Brunei telah melantik seorang ketua yang bernama Aban Jau untuk menjadi wakil sultan atau raja Sebob. Maren (gelaran untuk orang bangsawan Sebob) Aban Jau telah dikurniakan beberapa mariam dan senjata untuk mempertahankan tanahair dari di ceroboh oleh Rajah Putih Brooke. Semasa Rajah Brooke menghantar wakilnya untuk memaksa Ulu Tinjar tunduk kepada pemerintahan Rajah Putih, Aban Jau menyindir wakil Rajah itu dengan mengatakan bahawa benderanya sentiasa berkibar di belakangnya dan dia tidak perlukan bendera baru dari Rajah Brooke. Apa yang dimaksudkan oleh Aban Jau adalah kain cawatnya yang menutup bahagian buntutnya.
Aban Jau mempunyai seorang cucu perempuan dari anak tungalnya yang benama Lata. Seperti kebanyakan Orang Ulu, Lata mempunyai kulit yang putih kemerahan dan agak tinggi lampai. Dia sangat disayangi oleh Aban Jau dan seluruh masyarakat Sebob.
Pada masa dulu ramai pedagang Brunei masuk ke pendalaman untuk berdagang dan berniaga. Mereka membawa berbagai jenis keperluan seperti barangan tembaga dan tembikar untuk dijual atau ditukar dengan barangan hutan seperti kayu kayan, geharu, manik dan kraf tangan. Salah seorang pedagang Brunei bernama Awang Rajit telah datang ke penempatan Kenyah Sebob di Ulu Tinjar untuk berniaga barangan tembaga. Semasa di sana beliau telah terpikat dengan kecantikan Lata dan bertekat untuk mengahwini Lata. Olehkerana Awang Rajit adalah pedagang dari istana Brunei Aban Jau telah bersetuju untuk mengahwinkan Lata dengan beliau. Maka hiduplah Awang Rajit di Rumah Panjang Aban Jau sehingga lahir anak lelaki yang dinamakan Puso.
Setelah beberapa tahun mendiami Rumah Panjang Aban Jau, Awang Rajit berhajat untuk pulang ke kampung halamannya di Kuala Belait, Brunei. Walaubagaimanapun hajatnya itu di tentang oleh Aban Jau kerana beliau tidak mahu Awang Rajit membawa Lata dan Puso pergi dari situ. Sebagai cicit lelaki dari darah dagingnya, Puso bakal menjadi penggantinya menjadi raja Sebob di Ulu Tinjar. Olehkerana rindukan kampung kelahirannya yang sangat kuat dan keadaan Awang Rajit yang sakit, beliau terpaksa juga meninggalkan Lata dan Puso lalu pulang ke Brunei untuk berjumpa keluarga dan berubat.
24 December 2008
White Coffee (Oldtown Kopitiam) Non-Halal
Oleh msgediks"
Harap disebarkan maklumat kepada seluruh umat islam di Malaysia. Saya rasa ramai yang jahil seperti saya terpedaya dengan logo HALAL di pelbagai restoran di bumi Malaysia ini. Sila baca email yang saya terima di bawah:-
Kalau kita tidak berdakwah..kita akan dipertanggungjawabkan oleh Allah di akhirat kelak.sesuai dgn firmanNya dlm surah Al-A'raf,surah ke 7,ayat ke 164:"Dan (ingatlah) ketika suatu umat di antara mereka berkata: "Mengapa kamu menasihati kaum yang Allah akan membinasakan mereka atau mengazab mereka dengan azab yang amat keras?" Mereka menjawab: "Agar kami mempunyai alasan (pelepas tanggung jawab) kepada Tuhanmu, dan supaya mereka bertakwa".
ayat ini.pula .
"Dan janganlah kamu campur adukkan yang hak dengan yang batil dan janganlah kamu sembunyikan yang hak itu, sedang kamu mengetahui."
(Al-Baqarah ayat 42)
"Makanan itu menjadi DARAH & DAGING yang kita usung setiap hari."
Tidak hairanlah apabila kita mudah terpedaya dalam hasutan syaitan & musuh islam. Lalai & malas dalam
mengerjakan perintah Allah sbn seterusnya tidak terdaya mencegah amar mak'aruf nahi mungkar. Apakan tidak, apabila darah yang mengalir & daging yang membesar kita sirami dengan makanan yang tidak diberkati seterusnya 'HARAM' untuk dimakan.
WHITE COFFEE Oldtown Kopitiam 'WCOK' telah beroperasi bermula sekitar tahun 1999. Dimana diawal penubuhan status HALAL sebenarnya telah diragui lagi.
Beberapa produk yang harus diragui STATUS HALAL & dikenalpasti HARAMnya
22 December 2008
PRK KT: Siapa Calon PAS?
Shabery! kau duduklah senyap-senyap kat RTM tu....
20 December 2008
1. Cas yang dikenakan kepada pesakit mesti lebih murah dari sekarang. Kita lihat ramai orang yang tidak berkemampuan terpaksa merayu kepada orang ramai untuk membantu menampung kos perubatan ke atas ahli keluarga mereka. Aku selalu mendapat emel yang diforward oleh rakan-rakan, siap dengan gambar yang menyanyat hati, rayuan untuk menampung kos pembedahan dan perubatan yang berpuluh malah beratus ribu ringgit. Jadi, kalau Sime Darby nak beli IJN, masalah kos yang meroket tinggi ini perlu diatasi. Sime Darby yang selama ini memerah untung dari tanahair kita sepatutnya memberi semula kepada masyarakat. Sebenarnya ini adalah tanggungjawab sosial mereka, menolong pesakit jantung yang tidak mampu.
2. Kerajaan mesti memastikan IJN menjadi pusat penyelidikan perubatan jantung yang ulung selepas Sime Darby mengambil alih. Jika ini tidak dipersetujui oleh Sime Darby, maka batalkan saja segala rundingan. Kalau dulu kerajaan mengutamakan penyelidakan jantung, kini Sime Darby meti meningkatkan lagi usaha itu. Jika gagal berbuat demekian, tendang Sime Darby keluar. Kerajaan mesti pastikan ada klausa dalam perjanjian jual beli yang membolehkan kerajaan mengambil alih semula IJN jika Sime Darby tidak melakukan seperti yang kita mahu.
3. Kebajikan para pekerja perubatan mestilah diutamakan. Ini termasuklah para doktor, jururawat, juruteknik dan semua orang yang bekerja dalam IJN. Gaji mereka ditanggung oleh Sime Darby termasuk kebajikan tanggungan mereka. Kadar gaji semestinya mengikut kadar pasaran kini. Malah, Sime Darby mesti memastikan para pekerja IJN mendapat rawatan percuma di IJN.
Itu saja syarat aku. Kalau Sime Darby setuju, aku SOKONG 100 peratus pembelian IJN dari Kementerian Kewangan Diperbadankan.
18 December 2008
Cerita Dari Sebelah Dr. Sheikh Muzaffar Pula
Luahan hati Sheikh Muszaphar
Mohd Rashidi Hassan rashidi@harakah.net.my Mon Dec 15, 08 4:13:52 pm MYT
Malangnya Sheikh Muszaphar menjadi 'kambing-hitam' di sebalik kelemahan kerajaan. Teks interbiu diemelkan kepada Sheikh Muszaphar beberapa hari lepas, sewaktu beliau berada di Mekah. Bagaimana pun, penulis amat berbesar hati dan berterima kasih kepada beliau, di dalam kesibukan beribadah, beliau sempat membuat sedikit revision dan membalas emel penulis.
Saya pegawai kerajaan, saya tak campur urusan politik dan saya tidak mahu dipolitikkan. Bagi saya Program Angkasawan miliki negara dan rakyat harus diberitahu perkara sebenar untuk tidak menjejaskan imej angkasawan negara .
Tapi tak apalah, alang-alang Harakah pun dah tulis macam-macam hal yang agak negatif tentang saya, saya tidak mahu saya dikambing-hitamkan. Jadi amat penting untuk saya menerangkan perkara sebenar .
Banyak isu dibangkitkan tentang Sheikh akhir-akhir ini, Sheikh sedar perkara itu?
Saya telah bermula memberi ceramah kepada sekolah sekolah dan universiti semenjak bulan Mac lagi setiap hari termasuk hari Sabtu dan Ahad dan mendapat kepuasan apabila pelajar pelajar khususnya begitu bersemangat untuk mengetahui dengan lebih mendalam dalam bidang aeroangkasa.
Saya ingin jelaskan, menjadi angkasawan adalah impian saya sejak berusia 10 tahun. Impian itu kini sudah tercapai. Tetapi saya masih belum puas.
Banyak lagi yang ingin dilakukan dan nampaknya banyak lagi halangan yang terpaksa dilalui.Yang penting diri ini ikhlas dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai angkasawan negara .
Saya hanya mahu berkhidmat untuk negara dan mengubah minda rakyat Malaysia. Khususnya orang-orang Melayu tentang ilmu sains dan teknologi angkasa. Saya mahu jadi ikon ilmu, saya tak nak campur urusan politik atau jadi mangsa politik.
Tentang kes saya. Saya pun tak faham dengan Mosti. Timbalan Menteri kata, kita berhenti terima aduan dan memulakan penyiasatan. Tetapi Menteri kata tidak, kita masih membuka aduan kerana masih tiada komplen lagi.
Sekarang ini, saya difahamkan ada pihak tertentu mengarahkan pegawai Mosti menghubungi semua institusi dan sekolah yang saya pergi, untuk menyiasat saya ada mengambil duit (bayaran ceramah) atau tidak.
Mereka cuba dapatkan bukti dan sebagainya. It gives me the impression to bring me down. But I hope it?s not true.
Mereka mahu menjatuhkan imej dan maruah saya dengan mendakwa saya seorang kakitangan kerajaan, tidak boleh mengambil wang upah. Saya sedang siasat siapa yang buat kerja ini.
Media pula, tanpa mereka tahu isu sebenar, membuat laporan yang negatif tentang saya.
15 December 2008
Semua ucapan lebih sama seperti mana-mana himpunan politik PKR, bahawa mereka akan mengambil alih Sarawak dalam pilihan raya negeri akan datang yang dijangka akan diadakan pada 2010. Apa yang penulis ingin kemukan di sini adalah sambutan orang ramai. Sangat bertepatan dengan semangat muhibbah PKR, majlis itu dihadiri oleh berbagai bangsa. Majoriti suku kaum di Sarawak adalah Dayak, kedua Cina dan ketiga Melayu. Dan begitulah komposisi para hadirin malam tadi. Majoriti adalah orang-orang dari suku kaum Dayak, kemudian orang-orang Cina dan kelihatan juga ramai orang Melayu.
DSAI bersma YB Dominic Ng (Ketua PKR Sarawak)
Sambil makan hadirin diraikan dengan persembahan tarian menyambut pahlawan oleh masyarakat Orang Ulu. DSAI jelas diangkat sebagai pahlawan mereka sekarang.
Dr Teo (ketua PKR Miri) hebat menghentam korupsi BN.
DSAI memang pandai menyusun kata-kata yang memukau pendengar. Dr Teo bodek DSAI sebagai Obama Malaysia, agen perubahan.
Gaya seorang politikus yang sedang 'menggoreng' lunak isu-isu semasa.
Pemberita entah dari mana sibuk merakamkan dan membuat liputan MMM.
DSAI memanggil semua penggerak utama PKR dan PR Sarawak naik ke pentas. Satu sentuhan apresiasi yang jarang dilakukan oleh DSAI. Nampak benar strategi menambat hati orang-orang Sarawak. Bravo DSAI!.
BN Sarawak perlu berasa gentar dengan fenomena PKR di Sarawak. Seperti kata Dr Teo, satu lagi Tsunami politik akan terjadi di Sarawak. Sebelum MMM DSAI telah menghadiri satu majlis perasmian PKR Bahagian Sibuti, satu kawasan Parlimen yang baru diwujudkan di Miri. Majoriti pengundi di Sibuti adalah orang Melayu/Kedayan. Malam tadi juga diadakan majlis penyerahan borang keahlian baru oleh peduduk-penduduk Baram dan Marudi.
(Penulis sempat mengambil merembat tanda nama DSAI dari meja makan VIP sebelum meninggalkan tempat MMM malam tadi... saja buat momento...)
13 December 2008
Dulu masa Idris Jusuh jadi MB, wang ehsan dia kontrol jadi tak perlulah dipulangkan royalti. Tapi sekarang bila PR semakin kuat dan UMNO Terengganu goyah, cepat-cepat Najib pulangkan wang Royalti.
Negeri minyak seperti Sabah dan Sarawak peru belajar dari Terenganu. Kalau PR dapat ambil alih kerajaan negeri, maka bersiaplah wang Royalti akan di'wang ehsan'kan. Tapi itu mungkin relevan masa zaman Mahathir-Pak Lah. Zaman Najib mungkin itu tak mungkin berlaku kerana dia sendiri dah serahkan Royalti Minyak kembali kepada Terengganu. Sekali Royalti minyak diserahkan semula, tiada lagi justifikasi (walaupun ada) untuk menukarkannya semula kepada Wang Ehsan. Tidak lagi kepada Terengganu, lebih-lebih lagi kepada Sabah dan Sarawak.
Kini Rakyat Terengganu tidak perlu lagi takut untuk menukar kerajaan. Sabah dan Sarawak pun sama. Wang Royalti minyak mereka tidak akan dirompak lagi. Perompak di Terengganu sudah bertaubat nampaknya dan
tidak lagi kelihatan akan melakukannya lagi di sana mahupun di negeri lain.
Ayuh, rakyat Kuala Terenganu, tak usah gentar untuk mengundi PAS dalam piihanraya kecil nanti. Tunjukkan siapa bos. Najib bosskah atau rakyat boss. Begitu juga rakyat Sarawak, ayuh mari tukar Taib/BN kepada PR. Apa yang nak ditakutkan lagi, Najib dah 'bagi' lampu hijau!!
11 December 2008
10 December 2008
09 December 2008
kalau dibontang sebosar alam.....
Kok ilang dicaghi,
kok hanyut dipinteh,
kok tenggolam disolam..
Datang biar nampak muko,
kok poie biarlah nampak belakang.....
Jauh dihimbau,
dokek digamit,
seuntai salam sejombak kato,
dogup bicagho menghisik ghaso,...
Maaf juo kami pinto,
di haghi ghayo nan mulio..
Salam ghayo korban,
untuk semuo.....
08 December 2008
Lessons That Were Never Learned
Whilst good things were supposed to shower this developing nation, the people in the corridors of power were behaving as if the country’s good fortunes were their grand fathers’ heritage for the takings. Mahathir’s war cry “bersih, cekap dan amanah’’ was just a cosmetic do to cover a cronyism and nepotism infected governance.
Our nation was just being shocked and awed with historic government manoeuvres where the judiciary system were raped in limbo and the Malay sultans were striped naked of their immunity. Tun Salleh Abas with a few other good judges were sacked because they did their jobs and UMNO got disbanded. By using the Agong and the Royal Commission, PM Mahathir manage to ouster the judges who did not follow his whims and later after consolidating his power in UMNO(Baru) i.e Mahathir’s UMNO, he went after the Malay Royals to strip the Sultans of their immunity and set up special court to humiliate the Sultans if they braved themselves to go against Mahathir’s wishes. From then on, with the Malay Royals were kept holed in their palaces and the judiciary was like “lembu dicucuk hidung”. The UMNO elites then had free hands to plunder the country’s coffer.
Then after nearly 5 years, the country was shocked again with the
True enough the hilly areas were found to be unstable and there were underground streams that weakened the piling structure. There were a lot of developments going on the slopes of Ulu Kelang hills that contributed to the instability of the areas. The geological findings showed that the Ulu Kelang areas were of clayey soils covering layers of lime stones. This natural mixture by itself is very solid and has been in existence for thousand of years. However once it was disturbed by land developments and building of housing estates and sky scrappers, the equilibrium existence of the natural soil was forever disturbed and naturally the earth mother will start to find ways to attain equilibrium state again. Hence, earth movement would happen and this was manifested in the collapse of one of the
The commission recommendations were to stop all on going hill slopes projects and future hill slopes development were to be banned all together. The ministers with all the government bodies were seen to agree to these and we were assured that similar incidents shall not happen again.
Being an idealist in nature conservation, I was happy that at last the government was paying attention to the natural environment. The Ulu Kelang areas were already in bad environmental state and with the wake of
Alas, those were to become only wishful thinking. When the dust settled and the politicians had gone back to their nice offices and expanding waistlines, the activities in the slopes started again and this time with more vigour and ‘gelojoh’ haste. Driving along Jalan Ulu Kelang was a dismal experience to me when every time I set my eyes on those bulldozers and dump trucks stripping the hills of naked to make way for more hill slope developments. I was sure then that the tragedy of
And the most recent tragedy was the Bukit Antarabangsa collapse where 14 bungalows were devastated and so far 4 lives were lost and many injured. As this posting was written, a Sri Lankan person is still missing and all efforts are being put to search for that person. Hopes are diminishing to find that person alive.
Every time such a disaster happened, we questioned ourselves why should it happen again. When we had experts telling us that all development in the slope are dangerous and we even had by-laws describing what not to be done on hill slopes and any projects on a hill of 25 degree slopes 0r more, should not be permitted. However, even with all the rules and regulations set up, we still see housing projects being energetically carried out and continued without checks.
Greed. Human greed is the cause of all these untoward incidents. After the first major collapse of the
Properties on highlands overlooking a valley are always in good demand. The areas have good view of the city in the valley and the night view is especially awesome. The climate is cooler with plentiful nice breeze. Properties in these areas normally reap good profits and hence developers compete to get hold of such lands and build properties to be sold at sky price. People with money love to have homes at high prestigious places so that they can look down and savour the view of the valley days and nights. They are not fully aware that the awesome view could carry gruesome consequences, especially when the development are implemented without sufficient design and steps to withstand the tremendous earth wanting to get back to state of equilibrium, i.e when the earth has been disturbed with development projects.
With the developers rush to make money and the contractors prone to cut corners (to maximise profits) works quality are affected. There is always a love–hate relation between time and quality. If you want it fast, you may get a half cooked product. But if you want quality, the time to produce may take longer and your profitability would be greatly affected. Businessmen first priority is normally to make profit , hence quality sit in second or third place after money and leisure.
Adapting this line of thinking, the work quality in the hill slopes may not have been properly done. Hence, when there is a heavy downpour, the terraced slopes will little by little be affected and when the time is right a landslide is inevitable. That was what probably happened in the latest landslide tragedy in Ulu Kelang.
Proper attention to tackle design of earthwork and slope cutting may be lacking. Sensitive areas such as the slopes would need special attention to provide water run-off, under ground drainage, piling and foundations. Our engineers should have given more attention to slope management and prevention of ground slippage. This way landslide could be avoided. Or could it?
The society should be educated that living on high ground us not necessarily good. House buyers should given ample warning on the risks of living on hill slopes and highlands. Demands for high landed properties may not be as high if people are warned sufficiently to dangers of living on the high grounds.
Local governments who give out the permits to developers must be monitored. There should be a local committee consists of experts, JKR, Local Council and relevant NGOs (like consumers association) to oversee and monitor the permitting board, so that unscrupulous politicians and businessmen cannot get away with quick development to gain quick money.
Until and unless we take special heed to this recent tragedy and really learned the hard lessons, there will be similar incidents to happen again. As there are so many slopes development that have been carried since
Our PM, TPM and echoes from all other politicians, call to stop all hill slopes projects immediately, should be applauded. The ongoing projects currently should be audited by IKRAM to ensure that the projects follow the existing rules and guidelines. Any projects that fail to comply must be stopped and the developer be apprehended and punished.
Lastly, we call the government and politicians should start looking after the well being of the house buyers and consumers rather then the well being the “taukeh”s and their own pockets. We do not want a similar tragedy to occur again because “a wise man shall not let himself to be bitten by the same snake from the same hole”. That is of course if we are wise enough to learn the lessons from the recent tragedy.
01 December 2008
Sambal Tumis Is Now in Miri City
Miri is a city in northern Sarawak, Malaysia, on the island of Borneo. Miri is home to a population of about 300,000 people and is thus the second largest city in Sarawak. It serves as the government administrative centre of Miri District (4,707.1 square kilometers) in Miri Division of Sarawak. Miri was elevated to city status on May 20, 2005Malaysia. and it is the 9th city in Malaysia and its local authority i.e. Miri City Council is the 10th city council in
Miri is the birthplace of Sarawak's and Malaysia's petroleum industry, which remains the major industry of the city. The first oil well was drilled by Shell in 1910, and is now a state monument and one of Miri's tourist attractions. Shell also built Malaysia's first oil refinery in Lutong, a suburb of Miri in 1914. Recently, vast oil reserves were discovered just offshore northeast of the city. Miri has grown phenomenally since oil was first discovered in the early 1900s, burgeoning into the modern and dynamic business, commercial and educational centre it is today.
The city's other major industries include processed timber, oil palm production, and tourism. The world famous Gunung Mulu National Park with the Sarawak Chamber, a half an hour flight from the city, is one of the favourite eco-tourism destinations. Miri is also the main tourist gateway for the Loagan Bunut National Park, Lambir National Park and the Niah Caves at the Niah Caves National Park. Miri is lately known for its exotic coral reefs as well.
HistoryThe earliest evidence of human population in the area dates back to 35,000 BC, from the nearby Niah Caves. [3]The earliest officially recorded oil find in Malaysia was made in July 1882 by the British Resident of the Baram district in Sarawak. The oil was used by the local residents for medicinal purposes and later for lighting lamps and waterproofing boats. Commercial exploitation only began in 1910 when the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company, the forerunner of the present Sarawak Shell which was granted the sole right to explore for petroleum in Sarawak, struck oil in the town of Miri, marking the start of the Malaysian petroleum industry.
By the 1950s, attention turned to the seas as the onshore oil fields in Miri shows serious depletion. This was made possible by new improvements in offshore petroleum technology. Marine seismic surveys were carried out for the first time in Sarawak in 1954. The shift offshore began to show results in 1962 with the discovery of oil in two areas offshore Sarawak. Other finds followed in rapid succession. The first offshore oil platform was West Lutong, about 6 miles from shore.
The last onshore oil field was shutdown in early 1970s as oil production from offshore Miri started. Miri started developing very fast ever since the Parliament enacted the Petroleum Act which force Shell and Exxon to share their oil revenues with the people of Malaysia. It is by this time that Miri began developing its tourism and service industry.
In 1989, the vision for Miri to become a city was mooted. The proposal received the blessing of Sarawak state government in 1993. A public forum was held in 1994 and a grand signature-collecting campaign was organised in 2004 and more than one-third of the population in Miri had put down their signatures in support of the government's efforts for Miri to obtain city status. Miri had the city blue-print drawn up in the early 2000s, while the government together with the private sector had managed to fulfill the Federal Government's ten main criteria of becoming a city. The Sarawak State Government approved the then Miri Municipal Council's application for Miri to be elevated to a city and concurrently the Council to be upgraded as Miri City Council on 20 May 2004. The Federal Government approved its application on 16/3/2005.
The Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Sarawak made an order on 12 May 2005 on the establishment of Miri City Council. The King of Malaysia, Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong XII issued the Instrument for conferment of city status of name Miri City Council on Miri Municipal Council with full jurisdiction on Miri City on 13 May 2005. The appointment of Mayor, Deputy Mayor and City Councillors of Miri City Council was published on Sarawak Government Gazette on 19 May 2005. On 20 May 2005, the official proclamation of Miri City and appointment of Cr. Dato Wee Han Wen as first Mayor of Miri City Council were held at Miri and this was then followed by city day celebration. Now, 20th May every year is the Miri City Day.
DemographicsMiri's population consists of Chinese, Dayak, Malay, Melanau, Indian, Kayan, Kenyah, Kelabit, Iban, Bidayuh, Penan and other indigenous groups. Through this broad classifications, the races are further sub-divided into different tribes, each having their own particular areas of abode, occupation and language.
Miri is often called the Northern Gateway to Sarawak and is one of the state's main and most important tourist attractions. It boasts to be surrounded by four world-class national parks (Mount Mulu National Park, Niah National Park, Lambir Hills National Park and Loagan Bunut National Park).
National Parks
The Gunung Mulu National Park is a certified UNESCO World Heritage Site and boasts the world's largest natural cave chamber, the Sarawak Chamber.
The Niah Caves (the largest caves in SE Asia) in the Niah National Park are an important archaeological and historical site as one of the oldest human remains in South East Asia was found here.
Lambir Hills National Park contains very diverse species of flora and fauna and is ranked as the 12th mega-biodiverse site in the world. The Loagan Bunut National Park has Sarawak's largest natural lake and also contains diverse species of birds. There is also the recently gazetted Miri-Sibuti Marine National Park that has one of the region's most beautiful coral reefs and diverse marine life. [6]
Grand Old Lady and Petroleum Science Museum
Historically, Miri is a town founded upon oil and nothing captures this relationship so well than the Miri Oil Well No.1 or fondly known as the "Grand Old Lady".[7]
The "Grand Old Lady" was situated on top of Bukit Telaga Minyak (Oil Well Hill). It was formerly called Canada Hill (the old folks said that there was one Canadian who lived there and his main business was to recruit foreign and local workers to work in the oil fields around this mountain). Oil Well No. 1 is the first oil well in Malaysia to be drilled by Shell Company in 1910. After a productive six decades and estimated 660,000 barrels of oil, it was shut down in 1972. It was eventually declared a national monument.
There was a lookout tower near the monument where the visitors can have a good view of Miri City with the sea as its horizon. The tower was dismantled to make way for the construction of Miri Petroleum Science Museum and it is now being replaced by a viewing platform provided on top of this Miri latest landmark. The museum itself also provides various kinds of exhibitions apart from those related to oil industry.
The Grand Old Lady is accessible through narrow and steep road. While slowly moving your way up to the hilltop, you can have a glimpse of the nice scenery on both sides of the city which is being divided by this hill.
Miri, being geographically close to the sea, boasts some spectacular beaches. Some of the popular beaches include Tanjong Lobang Beach (Taman Selera), Luak Esplanade, Hawaii Beach, Bekenu-Sibuti Beach, Marina Park, Lutong Beach and many more.Coral Reefs
The Miri Reef off Miri is one of Malaysia’s most recent discovered diving locations. Within this patch of reefs at varying depths, from 7 to 30 meters, there is a variety of coral and marine life that rivals the best anywhere in Borneo.