Itu yang aku marah dengan PKR... bodoh tak bertempat. Azmin kata mamat yang tuduh Anwar liwat dia tu adalah spy BN/UMNO. Dan dia join PKR masa PRU12 sebagai pekerja sukarela. Azmin kata PKR pun memang tak cukup kakitangan lalu buka pintu luas-luas ambil dia sebagai penolong. Hah! Senang sangatlah orang nak sabotaj engkau!! Pejabat pimpinan samalah macam kubu tempat simpan rahsia dan tempat perancangan dasar dan straregi. Alih-alih engkau bagi sapa-sapa jer masuk tanpa usul periksa !!?? Joli kataklah kawan dalam tu kaut rahsia dan strategi engkau!
Dalam masa yang sama dia akan terus menyelinap dan mengabui mata semua orang dan semua akan ingat dia orang kita. Kalau sejak PRU 12 mamat Saiful tu berkeliaran dalam ofis Anwar, maka senang sangatlah diorang plan untuk strike. Tup! Tup! Dah Anwar kena tuduh meliwat lagi!. UMNO/BN pandai..dia hantar budak muda, muka ala-ala kiut sikit pergi dekat Anwar. Pasang jerat la. So keluarlah dalam surat khabar Anwar liwat "Pembantu Khas" dia!! So kan dah kono!!
Salah PKR lah juga sampai anasir musuh dapat masuk dengan mudah... Bagi mengelakkan pekara ini berulang lagi, ambillah iktibar dan pengajaran dari perkara seperti di bawah;
1) Usul Periksa
Kok iya pun tak cukup kakitangan, takkan biarkan orang yang entah datang dari pelusuk mana entah duduk bekerja dalam pejabat pemimpin. Sepatutnya orang seperti itu di letakkan bekerja di atas jalan pasang bendera dan tampal poster. Hendak sangat volunteer, nah ambik poster , pergi tampal!! Bukan duduk dalam ofis pimpinan tertinggi!!.
2) Sekuriti Pejabat
Jangan jadikan pejabat bagai pasar - sesapa saja bebas keluar masuk. Setiap ahli yang datang ke pejabat samada atas urusan parti atau peribadi mestilah direkodkan.
3) Unit Keselamatan Pimpinan (UKP)
UKP bergerak untuk keselamatan pimpinan. Bolehlah di katakan body guards pimpinan. Ia mesti bebas dari kerja-kerja kepartian biasa. Teristimewa bila pimpinan adalah seperti Anwar Ibrahim yang sedang mengejar tampuk pemerintahan. Bukan sahaja diri dia, tetapi ahli keluarga mesti sentiasa diawasi. Empat orang UKP mesti sentiasa berada bersama beliau walau di mana. (Tapi kalau Saiful yang jadi UKP alamat keluar berita...' Anwar Liwat Bodyguard' ha! ha! ha...!)
30 June 2008
Berita Dari Kedutaan Turki
30hb Jun 2008.
Saya tiba ke Kedutaan awal pagi, berlepas dari Quality Inn. Tahniah diatas kelincahan pasukan khas kita!
Pastilah keletihan kerana hampir tidak tidur malam tadi mendengarkan asakan hujah pimpinan. Pastinya kami menganggap Turki negara sahabat dan keputusan untuk ke sini adalah kerana isu keselamatan semata.
Pengalaman lalu mengajar kita bahawa tindakan ganas dan rakus bisa saja dari pendendam. Dan dalam konteks ini cadangan laporan polis saya terhadap Musa Hasan dan Gani Patail adalah berkaitan. Kita dapat buktikan bagaimana mereka berdua terlibat dalam merekayasa bukti, mendera dan menakutkan orang terlibat.
Maka apa yang dipohon adalah jaminan tegas pimpinan negara agar kecurangan lalu tidak berulang! Sebaik ada jaminan keselamatan diri dan keluarga, kami akan segera pulang.
Meskipun layanan di sini agak lumayan, tidak mungkin sama dengan keselesaan di rumah. Dan tidak diizinkan sebarang pertemuan dengan media atau sahabat. Hanya Azizah dan anak-anak dibenar menziarah saya.
Muda-mudahan pihak pemerintah segera memberikan jaminan keselamatan kepada saya sekeluarga. Jika tegas pengumuman sedemikian, saya akan segera pulang meninggalkan Kedutaan.
Pastilah keletihan kerana hampir tidak tidur malam tadi mendengarkan asakan hujah pimpinan. Pastinya kami menganggap Turki negara sahabat dan keputusan untuk ke sini adalah kerana isu keselamatan semata.
Pengalaman lalu mengajar kita bahawa tindakan ganas dan rakus bisa saja dari pendendam. Dan dalam konteks ini cadangan laporan polis saya terhadap Musa Hasan dan Gani Patail adalah berkaitan. Kita dapat buktikan bagaimana mereka berdua terlibat dalam merekayasa bukti, mendera dan menakutkan orang terlibat.
Maka apa yang dipohon adalah jaminan tegas pimpinan negara agar kecurangan lalu tidak berulang! Sebaik ada jaminan keselamatan diri dan keluarga, kami akan segera pulang.
Meskipun layanan di sini agak lumayan, tidak mungkin sama dengan keselesaan di rumah. Dan tidak diizinkan sebarang pertemuan dengan media atau sahabat. Hanya Azizah dan anak-anak dibenar menziarah saya.
Muda-mudahan pihak pemerintah segera memberikan jaminan keselamatan kepada saya sekeluarga. Jika tegas pengumuman sedemikian, saya akan segera pulang meninggalkan Kedutaan.
26 June 2008
Chocolate Can Help Keep You Cancer Free
Enjoy your chocolate with less guilt — a study at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, which is affiliated with Georgetown University Medical Center, has found that a synthetic chemical based on a compound found in cocoa beans slows the growth of cancerous tumors and speeds their destruction.
“We have all heard that eating chocolate is good for you; this study suggests one reason why that might be true,” said researcher Min Kim, Ph.D. “This chemical seems to be safe, which makes sense because it has a structure similar to a natural product in cocoa beans, the same beans used to make chocolate,” he says.
Even better, the concentrations of the chemical tested in the study weren’t excessive. “The effective concentrations were considered similar to what a person might eat or use,” he says.
Kim and his team of researchers found that the chemical, known as GECGC, was effective against colon, cervical, and one line of leukemia cells. Growth of colon cancer cells was cut in half, and the chemical damaged most of the tumor cells.
GECGC was most effective against fast-growing cancers and was so effective against colon cancer, and didn’t harm normal cells that Kim says the chemical “could serve as a promising therapeutic for colon cancer.”
...(courtesy from Health Alerts)
“We have all heard that eating chocolate is good for you; this study suggests one reason why that might be true,” said researcher Min Kim, Ph.D. “This chemical seems to be safe, which makes sense because it has a structure similar to a natural product in cocoa beans, the same beans used to make chocolate,” he says.
Even better, the concentrations of the chemical tested in the study weren’t excessive. “The effective concentrations were considered similar to what a person might eat or use,” he says.
Kim and his team of researchers found that the chemical, known as GECGC, was effective against colon, cervical, and one line of leukemia cells. Growth of colon cancer cells was cut in half, and the chemical damaged most of the tumor cells.
GECGC was most effective against fast-growing cancers and was so effective against colon cancer, and didn’t harm normal cells that Kim says the chemical “could serve as a promising therapeutic for colon cancer.”
...(courtesy from Health Alerts)
Drugs Doctors Won’t Take — And Neither Should You
Although the Physician’s Desk Reference sits on the desk of almost every doctor, it may be dusty from neglect. And if your doctor continues to prescribe the same drugs year after year without checking out his PDR or keeping up with breaking research on newly discovered dangers for commonly-prescribed drugs, your doctor could accidentally send you home with a prescription that could be deadly. Some old, formerly trusted drugs are so dangerous doctors say they wouldn’t take them. Are the deadly drugs in your medicine cabinet? Here’s a list of drugs docs say they wouldn’t take:
When used regularly, an ingredient in Advair called salmeterol can increase the severity of asthma attacks. Researchers estimate it may contribute to as many as 5,000 deaths related to asthma in the U.S. each year. In 2006, the FDA added a “black box” warning to Advair, the organization’s highest warning. Safer alternatives include inhaled corticosteroids or inhaled corticosteroids coupled with a leukotriene modifier such as Singular to help control inflammation and the production of mucous.
Avandia. Recent studies have shown that Avandia, which is an oral medication used to control type 2 diabetes, increases the risk of a heart attack. People who took Avandia (also known as rosiglitazone) for a year increased their risk of heart failure by 109 percent and heart attack by 42 percent. A safe, cheaper alternative to Avandia is metformin (One brand is Glucophage). You might also speak to your doctor about taking statin drugs to lower your cholesterol or the vitamin B niacin, which can raise good (HDL) cholesterol levels as it lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol.
Once prescribed to treat inflammation and pain, especially for those with arthritis, studies have shown that people who take 200 mg of Celebrex twice a day more than double their chances of dying from cardiovascular disease. In addition, Celebrex is linked to liver damage, kidney problems, and gastrointestinal bleeding. Although nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen could be safer alternatives, they, too, have been liked to intestinal bleeding. Consider acupuncture instead. German scientists found that treatments twice a week were twice as effective as conventional treatment plans, including drugs, physical therapy, and exercise.
Although an effective antibiotic for respiratory infections, Ketek puts patients at a higher risk of severe liver problems than other antibiotics. If you have a severe infection, such as pneumonia, and your doctor prescribes Ketek, ask for a safer alternative such as doxycycline or Zithromax.
Nexium and Prilosec. Researchers are investigating a link between these acid-reflux medications and heart attacks, but there are more reasons to avoid these two meds. They reduce acid so effectively that you may have an elevated risk of pneumonia (from bacteria and viruses that stomach acids would have killed) and an increased risk of bone loss. Instead, try Pepcid AC or Zantac 150.
Also, losing weight can keep excess belly fat from putting pressure on the valve that lets stomach acid leak into your esophagus.
This decongestant, which has been linked to stroke and heart disease, can raise your heart rate and blood pressure – potentially dangerous for people with high blood pressure or heart disease. In addition, pseudoephedrine can increase symptoms of glaucoma and benign prostate disease.
...(courtesy from Health Alerts)
When used regularly, an ingredient in Advair called salmeterol can increase the severity of asthma attacks. Researchers estimate it may contribute to as many as 5,000 deaths related to asthma in the U.S. each year. In 2006, the FDA added a “black box” warning to Advair, the organization’s highest warning. Safer alternatives include inhaled corticosteroids or inhaled corticosteroids coupled with a leukotriene modifier such as Singular to help control inflammation and the production of mucous.
Avandia. Recent studies have shown that Avandia, which is an oral medication used to control type 2 diabetes, increases the risk of a heart attack. People who took Avandia (also known as rosiglitazone) for a year increased their risk of heart failure by 109 percent and heart attack by 42 percent. A safe, cheaper alternative to Avandia is metformin (One brand is Glucophage). You might also speak to your doctor about taking statin drugs to lower your cholesterol or the vitamin B niacin, which can raise good (HDL) cholesterol levels as it lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol.
Once prescribed to treat inflammation and pain, especially for those with arthritis, studies have shown that people who take 200 mg of Celebrex twice a day more than double their chances of dying from cardiovascular disease. In addition, Celebrex is linked to liver damage, kidney problems, and gastrointestinal bleeding. Although nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen could be safer alternatives, they, too, have been liked to intestinal bleeding. Consider acupuncture instead. German scientists found that treatments twice a week were twice as effective as conventional treatment plans, including drugs, physical therapy, and exercise.
Although an effective antibiotic for respiratory infections, Ketek puts patients at a higher risk of severe liver problems than other antibiotics. If you have a severe infection, such as pneumonia, and your doctor prescribes Ketek, ask for a safer alternative such as doxycycline or Zithromax.
Nexium and Prilosec. Researchers are investigating a link between these acid-reflux medications and heart attacks, but there are more reasons to avoid these two meds. They reduce acid so effectively that you may have an elevated risk of pneumonia (from bacteria and viruses that stomach acids would have killed) and an increased risk of bone loss. Instead, try Pepcid AC or Zantac 150.
Also, losing weight can keep excess belly fat from putting pressure on the valve that lets stomach acid leak into your esophagus.
This decongestant, which has been linked to stroke and heart disease, can raise your heart rate and blood pressure – potentially dangerous for people with high blood pressure or heart disease. In addition, pseudoephedrine can increase symptoms of glaucoma and benign prostate disease.
...(courtesy from Health Alerts)
25 June 2008
Lose Weight with “Big Breakfast” Diet

The "big breakfast" diet works, researchers say, because it controls appetite and satisfies cravings for sweets and starches. It's also healthier than popular low-carb diets because it allows people to eat more fiber- and vitamin-rich fruit, according to Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz, of the Hospital de Clinicas in Caracas, Venezuela.
She told the Endocrine Society's annual meeting in San Francisco that she's successfully used this diet in her patients for more than 15 years.
"Most weight loss studies have determined that a very low carbohydrate diet is not a good method to reduce weight," Jakubowicz noted in a written statement issued by the Endocrine Society. "It exacerbates the craving for carbohydrates and slows metabolism. As a result, after a short period of weight loss, there is a quick return to obesity."
With scientists from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Jakubowicz and her colleagues compared their high-carb and protein "big breakfast" diet with a strict low-carb diet in 94 obese, sedentary women. Both diets were low in fat and total calories but differed markedly in their carbohydrate content.
The 46 women on the very-low-carb diet consumed 1,085 calories a day, consisting of 17 grams of carbohydrates, 51 grams of protein and 78 grams of fat. The smallest meal was breakfast, at 290 calories. For breakfast, the low-carb dieters were allowed only 7 grams of carbohydrates, such as bread, fruit, cereal and milk, and they could eat just 12 grams of protein, such as meat and eggs, in the morning.
In contrast, the 48 women on the "big breakfast diet" consumed 1,240 calories a day. Although lower in total fat (46 grams) than the other diet, the big breakfast diet had higher daily allotments of carbs (97 grams) and protein (93 grams). Dieters ate a 610-calorie breakfast, consisting of 58 grams of carbs, 47 grams of protein and 22 fat grams.
For lunch, they got 395 calories, made up of 34 grams of carbs, 28 grams of protein and 13 grams of fat. Dinner -- the smallest meal of the day -- was made up of 235 calories (5, 18 and 26 grams of carbs, protein, and fat, respectively).
At four months, there was no significant weight-loss difference between the two diet groups. Women on the strict low-carb diet shed an average of about 28 pounds, while women on the big breakfast diet lost nearly 23 pounds, on average.
But at eight months, the low-carb dieters regained an average of 18 pounds, while the big breakfast dieters continued to lose weight, shedding another 16.5 pounds.
Those on the big breakfast diet lost more than 21 percent of their body weight, compared with just 4.5 percent for the low-carb group.
..courtesy from " Health Alerts"
21 June 2008
Raja Petra's New Nemesis ->-> Rosmah Mansur
RPK has made a Statutory Declaration (SD) that implicates Datin Seri Rosmah Mansur, the wife of the Deputy Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Abd Razak, and a serving officer and his wife, in the murder Altantuya Shariibuu. This is mind boggling. RPK doesn't normally speak(or writes) without concrete evidence. To make an SD, if not true, is perjury which is punishable in the court of law.
Why did RPK did it. He has an impending court proceeding on sedition charge. Is he just picking on Rosmah Mansur because it is believed that Rosmah directed the police to have him arrrested on the sedition charge? A revenge of some sort? Or is this his way of defence? Whatever it is, RPK, you are very brave and couragous.
This is his one man jihad to oust the corrupts from the Corridor Of Power and bring over justice back to the land...
May Allah help you and give you taufiq and hidayah and strenght and keep you steadfast in your jihad.
May Allah help you and give you taufiq and hidayah and strenght and keep you steadfast in your jihad.
19 June 2008
Market Full Of Oil, Price Trend "FAKE": Ahmadinejad
The market is full of oil and the rising price trend is "fake and imposed," Iran's president said on Tuesday, partly blaming a weak U.S. dollar which he said was being pushed lower on purpose.
"At a time when the growth of consumption is lower than the growth of production and the market is full of oil, prices are rising and this trend is completely fake and imposed," President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a televised speech.
"It is very clear that visible and invisible hands are controlling prices in a fake way with political and economic aims," he said when opening a meeting of the OPEC Fund for International Development in the central Iranian city of Isfahan.
Iran, the world's fourth-largest oil exporter, has repeatedly said the market is well-supplied with crude and blames rising prices on speculation, a weak U.S. currency and geopolitical factors.
"As you know the decrease in the dollar's value and the increase in energy prices are two sides of the same coin which are being introduced as factors behind the recent instability," Ahmadinejad said. (to read more...)
"At a time when the growth of consumption is lower than the growth of production and the market is full of oil, prices are rising and this trend is completely fake and imposed," President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a televised speech.
"It is very clear that visible and invisible hands are controlling prices in a fake way with political and economic aims," he said when opening a meeting of the OPEC Fund for International Development in the central Iranian city of Isfahan.
Iran, the world's fourth-largest oil exporter, has repeatedly said the market is well-supplied with crude and blames rising prices on speculation, a weak U.S. currency and geopolitical factors.
"As you know the decrease in the dollar's value and the increase in energy prices are two sides of the same coin which are being introduced as factors behind the recent instability," Ahmadinejad said. (to read more...)
Here we(on earth) are so much bigger then Pluto (Plutonoic- renamed after being stripped of its planetary status)

Wah...JUPITER so much bigger then us...hoh!

Alamak...we are just a dot to our SUN (the nearest star to us)

If our SUN is just so small compared to the star ARCTURUS! what about earth!!

And now compare our SUN to the star ANTARES which is 1000 light years distant from earth.. and our so huge SUN is just 1 pixel (smaller then a dot) compared to the humanggus ANTARES!!....

All Praises Be To Allah The Creator Of The Universe......
Here we(on earth) are so much bigger then Pluto (Plutonoic- renamed after being stripped of its planetary status)

Wah...JUPITER so much bigger then us...hoh!

Alamak...we are just a dot to our SUN (the nearest star to us)

If our SUN is just so small compared to the star ARCTURUS! what about earth!!

And now compare our SUN to the star ANTARES which is 1000 light years distant from earth.. and our so huge SUN is just 1 pixel (smaller then a dot) compared to the humanggus ANTARES!!....

All Praises Be To Allah The Creator Of The Universe......
17 June 2008
Sudah 100 hari kerajaan PR memerintah Selangor, Perak, Pulau Pinang dan Kedah yang jatuh dari tangan BN semenjak PRU ke-12 yg baru lalu. Kad laporan 100 hari pemerintahan PR di sumua 4 negeri akan dinilai oleh kawan mahupun lawan. Kelantan sebagai perintis kepada pemerintahan PR tidak akan dinilai seteruk 4 yang lain kerana ia telah di perintah oleh PAS sejak 18 tahun yang lalu.
Kita akan lihat bagaimana PR melakukan perubahan untuk kebaikan rakyat atau sebaliknya. Jadi mari semua, kita kaji kad laporan kerajaan PR di 4 negeri!!

Kita akan lihat bagaimana PR melakukan perubahan untuk kebaikan rakyat atau sebaliknya. Jadi mari semua, kita kaji kad laporan kerajaan PR di 4 negeri!!
- Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim nampaknya agak teragak-agak untuk melakukan perubahan yang mendadak. Kebanyakan polisi kerajaan lama belum diubah atau mungkin diteruskan, seperti setinggan sifar (walaupun dengan carayang lebih berperikemanusiaan).
- Sikap bertegas TS Khalid untuk memberi 20m3 air percuma kepada penduduk Selangor harus dipuji dan sekarang rakyat Selangor sedang menikmati air percuma itu.
- Penduduk Bandar Seri Mahkota Cheras juga amat berpuas hati dengan prestasi konsisten kerajaan Selangor menyokong perjuangan untuk mendaptkan semula hak laluan ke Lebuhraya Grand Saga tanpa sekatan. Setelah beberapa demontrasi dan keganasan Polis, Menteri Kerjaraya telah mengarahkan halangan dibuang dan laluan dinaik taraf. Kini Penduduk BMC tidak perlu lagi memandu sejauh 6km dan membayar tol 90sen sebelum dapat meneruskan perjalanan ke Kuala Lumpur.
- Kejutan Dato' Hassan Ali mengharamkan aktiviti Islam Hadhari di seluruh Negeri Selangor. Nampak seperti kebudak-budakan atau tindakan balas dendam. Sepatutnya lebih baik Dato' Hassan buat saja tak perlu bising-bising. Mungkin ada muslihat Dato' Hassan mengumumkannya di dalam Sidang DUN. Yang saya nampak, impak kepada Islam Hadhari amat besar. Perkara ini diikuti pula oleh Pulau Pinang. Kelantan tak perlu buat hebahan sebab Islam Hadhari secara terangnya tak pernah bertapak di Kelantan. Eloklah Perak lakukan saja, tak perlu buat pengumuman besar-besaran.
- Kerajaan Negeri Selangor mengumumkan untuk menguruskan sendiri sumber pasir negeri yang mana ia akan menyumbang sebanyak RM250j keapada kerajan negeri. Idea yang baik. Cara lama adalah diusahakan oleh pihak swasta yang diberikan lesen untuk melombong pasir dan kerajaan negeri mendapt perolehan royalti sebanyak RM20j sahaja. Dahulu perusahaan melombong pasir di bolot oleh puak-puak UMNO dengan cara (selalunya) alibaba. Lesen nama Melayu (ada kaitan politik) tapi pengusaha Cina. Ada lesen dikeluarkan di tempat tapi pasir dilombong di tempat lain. Cara baru ini dapat membendung penyelewengan sebegini. Selain itu kesan kepada alam sekitar juga dapat dikawal dengan lebih baik. Apa yang kita harap kerajaan negeri Selangor tidak hanya memandang kepada keuntungan yang bakal diperolehi sahaja, ia juga mesti melihat kesan sampingan, samada secara langsung ataupun tidak, ke atas alam sekitar dan masyarakat setempat. Walaubagaimanapun ini masih diperingkat makluman, belum jadi realiti lagi. Bagaimana cara kerajaan negeri menguruskan pasir ini masih belum diketahui.
- Bermula dengan kontrovesi perlantikan MB. Biasalah dapat pemerintahan secara terkejut. Pujian harus diberikan kepada DYMM Raja Muda Perak Raja Nazrin kerana baginda telah menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan amat baik sekali. Ir Nizar memang layak. Dari segi merit, DAP tidak patut langsung mempertikakan perlantikan itu.
- Kehebatan Dato' Seri Ir Nizar banyak membantu untuk mengatur perintahan PR. Kebolehannya bertutur dalam Bahasa Cina, India dan Inggeris menyebabkan dia mudah diterima oleh masyarakat berbilang kaum.
- Kes pertukaran Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Perak Datuk Jamry Sury mengundang banyak kontroversi. Sepatutnya DS Ir Nizar berbincang dengan Sultan Perak dahulu sebelum bertindak. Bukankah peranan MB menasihati Sultan. Kalau betul caranya dan bertepatan dengan apa yang diadukan, kita pasti Sultan Sendiri akan menukar atau memecat pegawai agama negerinya. Penglibatan Karpal Singh mendebatkan bidang kuasa Sultan telah digunakan oleh UMNO dan juak-juaknya sebagai modal untuk menghentam kerajaan PR. Laporan polis telah dibuat ke atas YB Karpal, tapi yang hairannya selama ini UMNO sesuka hati menderhaka kepada Sultan-Sultan (kes terbaru ; Sultan Terengganu dan Sultan Perlis - kes perebutan jawatan MB) tidak pula diambil tindakan.
- Melantik ketua-ketua kampung melalui pemilihan secara demokrasi. Ketua kampung tidak lagi dilantik oleh kerajan negeri tetapi dipilih oleh orang-orang kampung sendiri melalui proses pengundian. Olehitu hanya orang yang disukai ramai sahaja yang akan menjadi ketua kampung. Kalau ketua kampung menyeleweng, penduduk kampung boleh mengundi dia keluar pula. Inilah dia kuasa rakyat kuasa keramat!
Pulau Pinang
- Peralihan kuasa dijalankan dengan licin. TS Koh Tsu Koon memberi kerjasama yang sangat professional. Malangnya semangat prefessional Tsu Koon tidak ditiru oleh bekas-bekas MB BN yang lain. Khir Toyo menghilangkan diri, sehingga ada sms yang menjadikan kehilangan Khir Toyo sebagai bahan lawak. Tajul Rosli tidak keluar-keluar dari rumah beberapa hari, sungguh panjang rajuknya. Dokumen-dokumen penting kerajaan juga kabarnya banyak yang hilang.
- MB Lim Guan Eng mempertikaikan perlaksanaan DEB kerana ketidaktelusan dan bergelumang dengan kronisma. Guan Eng bukan mempertikaikan DEB itu sendiri cuma perlaksanaannya, tapi UMNO dan juak-juaknya terus melenting menghentam Guan Eng dan DAP yang dituduh berhasrat untuk menghapuskan hak-hak keistimewa orang-orang Melayu. Tidakkah UMNO faham bahawa hak-hak keistimewaan orang-orang Melayu termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia. Untuk menghapuskan hak keistimewaan orang-orang Melayu, DAP memerlukan 2/3 ahli Parlimen menyokongnya. DAP tidak ada ahli Parlimen sebanyak itu!. Kalu diteliti, salah satu keistimewaan orang Melayu adalah Kesultanan Melayu. Siapakah yang menghikis kuasa raja-raja? Siapakah yang mengambil tanah rezab Melayu (Geran Merah) untuk di komersialkan tanpa diganti dengan jumlah kawasan yang sama? Kini tanah rezab Melayu yang ada jauh lebih kecil jumlah kawasannya berbanding pada zaman kolonial British dahulu. Jadi siapakah sebenarnya yang mahu menghapuskan Hak-hak Keistimewaan Orang-orang Melayu?
- Kerajaan PR P.Pinang telah menaikkan gaji guru-guru sekolah agama rakyat dan menambah peruntukkan untuk sekolah-sekolah tersebut. Sikap berbaik-baik MB Lim dengan orang Islam patut sangat diberi pujian. Beliau tidak kekok menghadiri majlis Maulud Nabi peringkat negeri duduk di atas pentas bersama-sama pemimpin Islam yang lain. Malah beliau ikut bersama-sama berarak (mungkin tidak bersalawat) bersama-sama rakyat Islam P.Pinang menyambut hari kelahiran Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w). Sikap yang ditunjukkan oleh MB Lim sangat toleran kepada Islam. Kenyataan MB Lim untuk mengikuti jejak langkah Khalifah Umar Abdul Aziz dalam mentadbir P.Pinang adalah satu lagi bukti bahawa beliau tidak akan menyisihkan Islam/Melayu dalam pentadnirannya. Dalam hal ini saya rasa MB Lim lebih Islam dari kebanyakkan pemimpin beragama Islam kita!
- Berjaya membawa masuk perlaburan asing ke dalam P.Pinang dalam masa yang singkat. Satu kejayaan yang tidak dapat dicapai oleh Gerakan semasa memerintah. Tsu Koon membantah kenyataan yang mengatakan kejayaan itu dicapai oleh DAP. GERAKAN memainkan peranan penting dalam membawa masuk perlaburan tersebut, katanya. Biarlah Guan Eng ...berilah dia sedikit kredit.
- Sikap terbuka Guan Eng di dalam menawarkan peranan berkongsi urusan pemerintahan negeri dengan tokoh-tokoh dari Barisan Nasional (BN), bukan sahaja mengagumkan, malah mengejutkan kita semua. Tawaran kepada bekas Timbalan Setiausaha Agung Gerakan, Dato' Lee Kah Choon sebagai Pengerusi Eksekutif Jawatankuasa Invest Penang dan jawatan Pengarah Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang (PDC). Sikap Guan Eng sangat professional demi untuk memajukan negeri. Tetapi sikap pemimpin BN sangat memualkan. Berbagai ancaman dan surat tunjuk sebab di lemparkan kepada Lee Kah Choon sehingga beliau akhirnya meninggalkan Parti Gerakan. Pekara yang sama dihadapi oleh Pengerusi Gerakan Wilayah Persekutuan, Dr Tan Kee Kwong kerana menerima jawatan yang ditawarkan oleh kerajaan PR Selangor. Baru-baru ini, Tan menjadi sasaran kritikan pemimpin Gerakan apabila menerima tawaran kerajaan PR Selangor untuk mengetuai sebuah badan petugas mengenai halehwal tanah. Hairan...apabila PR membuka pintu dan peluang untuk orang BN yang berkebolehan untuk berjasa kepada rakyat pemimpin mereka pula bersungguh-sungguh tidak membenarkan itu berlaku. Adakah sebenarnya keikhlasan BN untuk memajukan negara ini?
- Guang Eng telah melambungkan cadangan jambatan P.Pinang kedua di biayai sepenuhnya oleh PETRONAS. Lalu secara tanpa sedar Naib Presiden Bahagian Pembangunan dan Perancangan Korporat Petroliam Nasional Bhd. (Petronas), Datuk Nasarudin Md. Idris berkata, syarikat petroleum negara itu akan hanya terbabit dalam projek-projek infrastruktur yang berkaitan dengan industri minyak dan gas seperti kompleks petrokimia di Kertih, Terengganu. Ha Ha Ha.. seluruh Putrajaya diabiayai oleh Petronas dan ada 8 jambatan yang gah-gah dan canggih. Sepatutnya cadangan Guan Eng diteliti dan diberikan merit yang sewajarnya demi kesejahteraan rajyat, bukan dibakulsampahkan begitu saja.
- Dan Guan Eng naik kelas ekonomi bila bermusafir dalam urusan rasmi. Sesuatu yang sukar di lakukan oleh seorang Ketua Menteri dari negeri yang kaya! Inilah contoh kepimpinan melalui teladan.
- Pemilihan MB Kedah berjalan dengan baik tanpa kontroversi. PAS telah bersiap sedia dengan calon MB bila PAS merampas Kedah dari UMNO/BN. YAB Ustaz Azizan Pesuruhjaya Pas Kedah calon terbaik setakat ini.
- Kerajaan Pas Kedah membatalkan projek petrokimia di Yan, biar pun ia bakal mendatangkan keuntungan besar kepada kerajaan negeri. Tanah di kawasan tersebut cukup subur dan dianggap kelas A untuk tanaman padi. Jadi mengambil kira keistimewaan tersebut kerajaan negeri membuat keputusan membatalkan projek petrokimia yang pernah dicadangkan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) sebelum ini. Kerajaan negeri mahu mempertahankan status sebagai jelapang padi dan tidak membiarkan kesuburan tanah digunakan bagi faedah lain. Walaubagaimanapun projek tersebut tidak dibatalkan terus tetapi dipindah laut.
- Hadiah tiket percuma untuk rakyat Kedah dan seterusnya Kedah menjadi juara Piala Malaysia
- MB Ust Azizan menolak peruntukan pagar baru (atas nasehat polis) bagi rumah MB. In adalah untuk mengelakkan penggunaan duit rakyat bagi kepentingan peribadi.
Seratus hari memang belum banyak perubahan dapat dibuat tetapi sedikit sebanyak polisi dan cara pentadbiran semakin jelas. Kita mahu kerajaan 5 negeri PR terus membela nasib rakyat. Rakyat akan tetap menyokong selagi mereka di dalam landasan yang betul. Bak kata pepatah Melayu, " Raja Alim Raja Disembah, Raja Zalim Raja Disangah!"
Ingat Pakatan Rakyat, kami sentiasa meneliti tindak tanduk kamu. Jika kamu menyeleweng dari tujuan asal membela nasib rakyat dan menegakkan keadilan, kami akan hukum kamu di dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 akan datang.
12 June 2008
Sarawak Oh Sarawak...For A Change
Yesterday's visit to an uncle in Satok, Kuching made me realised the hatred of ordinary folks towards the Power that be in Sarawak. Tok Uban may have been ruling this tranquil state for more then 2 decades now but from what I gathered, he has overstayed his welcome. The ordinary people is cursing him like there's no tomorrow.
BN brought in some development but just barely. The state has the 1st oil well in Malaysia, drilled by Shell more then 100 years ago on top of Canada Hill in Miri. Now there is an Oil Museum adjacent to the Grand Old Lady (name of the oil rig made of belian timber). The Oil in Miri and later Gas in Bintulu, even though only 5% royalty which translated into billions of ringgit, has not benefited Sarawak as an Oil & Gas state. Sarawak in term of development is not so much different from Negeri Sembilan and Perak, which don't have that black gold. With that much funds in hand Sarawak should have got an Expressway North to South linking with Brunei and Sabah, a Railway line linking all the big towns, superb public transport system, free health service and education. But what they have is dilapidated road systems (service and maintained by CMS Road). Driving from Kuching to Bintulu (636km) takes about10 to 12 hours. If you are quite of a daredevil type, you may make 9hours, but then your body will be dead tired on reaching Bintulu because of the many potholes and winding roads.
Report from Sarawak Headhunter weblog make you shiver to know that cronies get tens of thousands of virgin jungles to stripped of their timber and later sell off to plantation companies.
In the last state election DAP won 9 seats plus 1 for PKR. Another 2 years Sarawak will hold another state election and this time with the voters purchasing power greatly eroded by the recent price hikes and Anwar factor(and promises), the dream of the men on the street to see a new face sitting on the CM's chair could become a reality!. However, that will only come true if the people unite under Pakatan Rakyat and shun from being bought with a few hundred RM and crates of Carlsberg on the eve of the election day!!
The complains are genuine, that the vast wealth of Sarawak has not been distributed fairly. Sarawak has Oil and Gas, Timber, Rain forests (but fast receding...) and humongous land area. But the traditional Sarawakians who work the fields, fish the long coast, gather forest products are left with what they always have, their poor livelihood. While the rakyat toil in wants, the few ruling elites with their towkays live in mansions with money as beds. The current sky rocket food price and fuel hikes do not affect them. Just the poor ordinary folks.
And many schools do not have playing fields (this surprised when i first arrived here- you got huge land but can not build playing fields for the schools). Pity my children, they really missed their old school in Beranang with nice big football field!.
Our office went to visit a colleague's mum at Sarawak General Hospital yesterday. Pity to the mum, the hospital environment is very sad. Space is insufficient so they are building an extension. While that being built the running of the hospital continues. So workers and patients became normal sight. Even though the hospital have good equipment, the oil money should have given better chance to my colleague's mum!
For the last 45 years, power and wealth only consolidated around the CM's families and friends. The poor rakyat keep on toiling in their NCR lands which later be taken by the unscrupulous Tok Uban gang for Palm Oil plantations. Driving from Bintulu to Miri will show you as if the whole world is planted with oil palm.
It's so vast that you think that the oil palms joined up with the sky at the far horizon. Unlike Felda estates in Semenanjung, this vast plantations are owned by few crony companies. The estates originated NCR lands taken from the people who has toiled there for many many years and of course virgin jungles " government" land.
Last month I was at a ceramah by Anwar Ibrahim at Kg. Gita, just outskirt of Kuching. They were so many thousands people of various races dutifully listening to Anwar on his plans for Sarawak once those famous "mystery thirty" jumped ship. The same ceramah a year ago only attracted about some one thousand, but this time they were 5 times more people came to listen to Anwar. Interpreting this, means that people are eager for a change in the Sarawak's Corridor of Power. The youngs and olds, townies or rural villagers are beginning to talk about changing the Power that be.

06 June 2008
Mana Mungkin Petronas Bungkus?? Kita mintak sikit jer!!
Boss Petronas,Hassan Merican, kata Petronas akan bengkrap dalam 10 tahun, kalau bagi semua untungnya digunakan untuk subsidi minyak. La...apalah kampung sangat fikiran mamat ni!.Kita bukan nak semua. Ambil sebahagian jer.... baki tu hang gunalah untuk pelaburan dalam industri minyak. Yang kita marah sangat ialah mana pegi segala sumbangan Petronas kepada kerajaan selama ini.
“Since the formation of Petronas in 1974 to last year, the company gave the Government RM335.7bil out of a total profit of RM570bil,” Hassan said.
Hah!! beratus-ratus billion ringgit semenjak 1974....sepatutnya dah tak ada rakyat yang layak terima zakat... RM335.7bil bukan sikit anak..bhai!! Sepatutnya infrastruktur asas kita dah merayap sampai ke setiap ulu. Setiap rakyat ada rumah dengan api dan air paip. Pelajaran dan perkhidmatan kesihatan percuma dan sudah tentunya tak ada tol yang mengenyangkan kroni sahaja. Tarif api dan air yang terendah di Asia, sepatutnya.
Itu tak payah usik baki RM234.30bil untung Petronas tu!!
Mana duit ni semua pergi? BN mesti jawab.... di Parlimen!!
“Since the formation of Petronas in 1974 to last year, the company gave the Government RM335.7bil out of a total profit of RM570bil,” Hassan said.
Hah!! beratus-ratus billion ringgit semenjak 1974....sepatutnya dah tak ada rakyat yang layak terima zakat... RM335.7bil bukan sikit anak..bhai!! Sepatutnya infrastruktur asas kita dah merayap sampai ke setiap ulu. Setiap rakyat ada rumah dengan api dan air paip. Pelajaran dan perkhidmatan kesihatan percuma dan sudah tentunya tak ada tol yang mengenyangkan kroni sahaja. Tarif api dan air yang terendah di Asia, sepatutnya.
Itu tak payah usik baki RM234.30bil untung Petronas tu!!
Mana duit ni semua pergi? BN mesti jawab.... di Parlimen!!
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