19 May 2008

So Mahathir quits.....Do you buy that?

So Mahathir quit his party today. After 20 years of UMNO (Baru), the No. 001 member is so pissed off with his hand-picked PM that he threw in the towel! Wah.. so desperate one ah...?? If he still had a post in UMNO, say an advisor or whatever.. he would have resigned from that.. not as a member but, alas.. he has no post in the party... so resigning from being a member would do lah.......

Is this a desperate act to oust the President a.k.a the PM a.k.a the Finance Minister? Is it because Mahathir is so worried sick that PM Badawi would bring Malaysia deeper in shit? Or may be it's a clever manoeuvre by Mahathir to save his skin from being taken to task of his part in Lingamgate? I think it is so.

It is an open secret that Mahathir wanted his chosen succesor to be Najib, but due to seniority and age Najib was not ripe enough to take the no 1's chair. So Badawi was given the chair for a term. But hey! Badawi is not stupid. It's a kind of "Cina Buta" situation where the chosen temporary husband wants the wife to himself forever. So Badawi started his own ploy to shut out Mahathir. Mahathir people were taken out one by one during and after the 12th GE. And with Lingam's tape, Badawi could take out a few more in one move including the Grand Old Man himself. The findings in the royal commission show all fingers to Mahathir, T.Adnan, Vincent Tan, Ahmad Fairuz and could be more. So Mahathir could be in jail for misuse of power!

So Mahathir quit UMNO and putting a condition to rejoin UMNO with the stepping down of PM Badawi. This put tremendous pressure to PM Badawi. Stepping down means bowing to his old 'tuan' but hanging-on at the top create major discontent in UMNO and many more UMNO member leaving the party en-bloc. Surely, which way, Mahathir is triggering a 2nd political tsunami and laying the final prayers to UMNO/BN demise.

The Pakatan Rakyat would easily take up the helm when Anwar's 43 'sleeper' MPs joining the PR. By doing so Mahathis actually hasten the empowerment of PR. And this he does a favour to Anwar and hopes that Anwar will forgive him and PR government will let him off the Lingamgate hook. ( fat chance!! eh??)

Anwar will forgive him alright as well as us the rakyat. But we want justice to be upheld fairly and squarely. Sorry old man...you must answer your previous misdeeds in the court of law !!

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