03 September 2010

Tok Uban Testing The Market

Recent announcement by Tok Uban to step down if the people do not want him was merely a test on his acceptance by the people. That was what the Editor of Sarawak Tribune, Paul Si, accused our beloved Tok Uban of doing. And he has now been suspended since. He..he..he... that is the price of poking Taib Mahmud on the wrong side.

However, looking into Sarawakian newspapers nowadays, you'll see various groups either political or social are voicing their tremendous support to Taib. So, it seems that what Paul Si said is so true after all. The market now is reacting to Taib's calculated announcement and everybody is trying their best to chuckle Taib's ego and announce their unnerving support for his leadership. One of the first group to announce their support to Taib was pemuda PBB of Sibu. Now nearly everyday they shall be groups from various quarters are asking Tok Uban to stay on to steer Sarawak flagship.

Taib is a veteran politician who knows how to control his lots. The fear of not being chosen to become a candidate in the coming state election is enough tool to garner support from his BN old ship. By playing with this tool and the recent market testing, Taib would know who is loyal to him and who is about to make trouble. From here on, he'll manuevere his driving into the political midts of the ruling Titanic.

So far, he seems to get the intended result he wants, that is the open supports from various sections in BN/PBB. How true that is, depended on the day when the election bells are rang and when the result start pouring in....

Until then let us watch how the old guard is playing out his strategies in staying on to his precious seat. All da best Tok Uban.

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